Our history

In 2020, the first Jacob's Conceptstore opened its doors at the Hoogstraat in Antwerp. In 2024, Jacob's Conceptstore  was acquired by two ambitious female entrepreneurs. There are currently five active stores, in Antwerp, Kapellen, Lier, Leuven and Mechelen.

Who is Jacob?

The name of the concept store is referring to the Antwerp painter Jacob Jordaens. Jordaens was a world-famous baroque painter of the 17th century. The painter's birthplace and monumental statue can be found at the Hoogstraat in Antwerp. And let that be precisely where the first Jacob's Conceptstore opened its doors, inspired by the versatility and creativity of its famous neighbour. 

The owners

Jacob's concept store was acquired in 2024, by two young Antwerp female entrepreneurs. Both of them want to continue the previous owners dream of creating a place where creatives can show and sell their products all year long. 

Join us!

Are you a creative entrepreneur yourself, with a VAT number and interested in being part of our concept stores? Then get in touch by using the contact form