Get in touch

Are you a creative entrepreneur yourself, with a VAT  number and interested in being part of our concept stores? Then get in touch by using the contact form. 


Be sure to let us know what products you make, where you live and a link to your website or social media page. 

What we can offer

  • a point of sale and guidance for starting entrepreneurs.
  • a store in your neighbourhood: our concept stores are spread all over Flanders and Brussels.
  • an online platform adapted to Jacob's concept store where you can follow up the sale of your products in real time. 
  • you pay no rent for your spot  in our concept store. 
  • in return, you work 1 day of every month in the store. 
  • you pay a commission of 35% on the products that you have sold. With this commission we cover our fixed costs such as the rent of the building. 

As a creative entrepreneur, you need to be in possession of a VAT number. Only in this case we can start a collaboration.   

Through our online designer platform you get real-time access to your sales data. Here you can give us your available dates for the one day that you can be physically present in the shop.  

The same platform is used for the invoicing. For example, if you sell €1000, you owe VAT on the full amount. Via the designer platform you will receive a commission invoice of the 35% (incl. VAT) you have to pay. You can add this invoice to your expenses and recover the VAT if you are liable for VAT. The remaining 65% will be paid into your account after verification.